
A word from the Director

“You don’t just suddenly become a translator… It is extremely difficult to provide a perfect translation of a document or deliver flawless interpreting services. These are challenges that we take up every day and quality is at the heart of everything we do. When we talk about quality at Technicode, these are not empty words. It is central to our business.”

Christian Moniz

General Manager

Senior Technical & Scientific Translator/Reviewer

As General Manager of Technicode Translations, Christian Moniz is responsible for the company’s day-to-day management. He leads a team of highly experienced translators and interpreters.

Christian Moniz holds a Master’s degree in science and technology (with an option in Scientific and Technical Translation) from the University of Upper Alsace in Mulhouse (France). He founded Technicode in 2002.

Very much a product of the French school of technical translation, he has 32 years of translation/review experience, including 16 spent working for DAT, a translation agency based in the Paris region. Quality is his obsession.